Cause the Doctor makes it all alright
(or rather his companions)
No I´m not ill and no I don´t need a doctor. Well at least not a 'real' doctor, if THE doctor (main Character of the Sci-Fi TV Series "Dr. Who" for those of you who don´t know it - check it out it´s awesome!) should cross your way be sure to point him in my direction. Especially if it is 9. Well what have we learnt about me so far? A, I´m a big Sci-Fi fan and B, you have still no clue what I am actually talking about... Don´t worry neither have I, so let´s carry on and see if I can bring my message across.
Well you know sometimes you are just not having the best of days, reasons aside I don´t think that really needs a place on my blog. Just so you know, I myself am fine (no worry) but lately there has been a lot on my mind (negative and positive things). I´m the kind of person who things a lot about every situation, always wanting to explore every possible way before acting. Not always the best way to handle situations, but it works for me and that's fine. Everybody needs his own way to deal with life and mine is over thinking and questioning everything. So don´t expect me to be spontaneous in life, that's a rare sight.
So today just didn´t life up to my expectations and I didn´t accomplish everything I set out to do. Nothing important really, I guess I am just an perfectionist. Then a good friend, or maybe more than a friend I don´t know, I really like her and we have sort of a special relation to one another (but I probably will talk about this in length another time, so keep sticking in my blog if you want to know- jeah I know sometimes I am cruel).
I really need to stop drifting off... So a good friend always comes round every Tuesday and together we dive into the adventures of Dr. Who, in other words we watch the series. We didn´t really talk a lot about important things and that's fine, there is a time and a place for such stuff and it definitely isn´t while watching TV. We ate something, started watching and cuddled a bit, nothing more (as if that wasn´t enough actually). It was great, you can forget the world around you and just be taken away by the wave of fiction clashing over you, retreating for a short time from the world and come back refreshed and filled with new powers. I just enjoy it and little things like that, small retreats if you will, are just so much more. In a way they are what keeps my going and let me be so totally awesome I sometimes can´t even believe that's me. So a great thanks to my film-companion today and a toast (at the moment I and a small Martini are having a late night date ^^) to the little things in life! Treasure them, they are awesome!
The awesome SkyLuke
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