Sunday, 25 May 2014

The three b - beach, barbecue, bed

While today definitely was a special day for the EU, this is not what my post will be about. But of course I went to vote, after all somebody has to be responsible for what the politicians are doing.
On that quote I end this matter.

As you can see in the title, my day was mainly made up by these three b´s and what a lovely day it was! One of the best person I ever had the fortune to know and a very dear friend decided to have a birthday barbecue (another b - awesome!) with a bike tour before that. It just was great, I always enjoy riding my bike through nature and there are not many things so beautiful when you finally arrive at the beach, put down your blanket and enjoy the sun while being in the company of good friends (and total strangers who you still like when you get to know them). I will not get into detail, as that probably be boring towards everybody who wasn´t there and I don´t want people to quite reading my blog because they envy my day. Let´s just say after being at the beach we went to the harbour (a beautifully small one) and continued our great day with a barbecue at the riverside. In the end we packed our things and know I´m lying in my bed, remembering this brilliant day (you noticed ? I didn´t want to use great again, definitely need to have some variety in my choice of words) while drinking a hot chocolate.

These are the days you always remember when you grow older.
These are the days you look back at, when times get rough.
These are the days where you know what friendship is about.
These are just awesome days!

So do you have such days? Mind sharing them with me? Would love to know about your experiences where you just did feel so great at the end of the day, that the world seemed alright as it is. Just for that day, maybe only for that moment.  Everything is alright.
These are definitely days worthy to be a treasure in our memory.

Your awesome SkyLuke

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