Sunday, 29 June 2014

Cause life is missing and living

Hey there,

it has been a while since you heard from me, your totally awesome SkyLuke. Totally sorry for that, it isn´t really that I didn´t had the time, just that I spent the time in other places then this blog. Seems paradox, I created this blog to share my great experiences (even the not so great or nice ones, after all they will be great some day, as it was these that allowed me to grow). So I hope you accept my apology and continue to read about my life.

So there have been a great load of great things that happened since my last post. I went to Kiel (for Study purpose) and I went home to meet up with my lovely family. I had great parties for a good friend moving away and a nice birthday (happy birthday to me^^). Nothing more really to say, there is a lot on my mind but this is really the platform to announce what goes on in my head (after all some of you might want to get me into hospital afterwards^^).

Still I think in the days to come you will find some thoughts of mine here in the Internet.

All for now, but not for ever ;)

Your awesome SkyLuke

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Living in the Internet

Hey guys, today was a rather special day as me and some friends of mine decided to start a You Tube-Channel called "Cantina Gamers".
( ). Check it out if your intrested in people with no life playing games (probably a LOT of Star Wars, as we are nerds and proud of it) on the computer and having no social life whatsoever. No, of course that isn´t completely true, it would be hard to have no social life and in a sense you could argue that streaming and having fun in the Internet (while playing games, don´t get me wrong!!!) is a new form of social life.

For the purpose of this post I will call this i-social life. Funny how everything with an 'i' in front of it sounds like some sort of cool apple product. Totally not worth the cost but so prestigious that everybody would love to have one. I´m drifting off...

My point really is, in our new modern world a lot of people are of the opinion that 'back to the roots' is the answer to deal with a super quick, global system of information sharing that changed our lives in ways we could have never dreamt off in the past. 30 years ago people talk to one another to meet, today we can do this on WhatsApp (I personally don´t have it but my mum uses it for that purpose). Not being on facebook was a real problem for a friend of mine as everybody just forgot her when parties were being planned. Without an e-mail-address you probably couldn´t even survive in the western world. Nothing new I´m telling you there, still I like to remind people how much time we spent every day in an relationship with technology.

Backing off is no solution, but is having an i-life one? Having a blog and as of today a you tube-channel I would say no, but it helps. We want to show ourselves out into the world, express our feelings and maybe even have the wish to get noticed. In a crowd we want to stand out and that's totally human. Problematic it gets, when people only live in their e-world (e = electronic).

It is as important to have a e-mail address as it is to go out into nature for a walk and fill your lungs with fresh air. Life is all about balance, if you spent to much of your time outside you will sooner or later loose your ties to society in a sense. If you only spent time with your PC or smart phone, you may have a 10000 friends to talk to, but will be lonelier than the all mighty himself. Meeting people in the Internet is ok, meeting those people in real life (with of course proper security arrangements) is ok but not necessary. Meeting people every day for a drink is ok but so is meeting people only once in a while for a drink. Convention dictates that we need to be around people all the time to be really 'happy' and 'well connected'. This is not true, to be honest I don´t like having people around me every day. I often enjoy being alone or only living online for a day.On the other hand these times alone give me the motivation to meet more people in real life, hanging out with friends or going for a walk down to the sea. If one side gets the upper hand, the other one balances it out. My personal balance so to speak.

Find the proper balance between this two parts of life and you will be fine. Don´t let others tell you how much time in the Internet is bad for you or how your isolated because you don´t go out enough. Your life will always be your life. Sometimes we forget that and bow down to society. Never do that.

The awesome SkyLuke

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Cause life is winning and letting others win

What a strange title you may think? Nowhere is the concept of 'losing' mentioned even if you probably can guess that this post will be the first negative one I will put on the blog. I thought a bit about actually putting it here, but in all honesty it sort of seems right. I won´t create the image of myself always being happy and seeing the best in every situation. I grave to do this, I always try to be awesome by not getting things hit me in the well protected castle I call my heart. Still, I am human and that image would be false. I cry sometimes, I fear sometimes and sometimes I loose the ability to see the best. No heart is safe from this. Never thing for one moment you actually could be safe in your heart, because it always will be a lie. There are just days that hit you like a truck from the beginning and other days where everything goes right and then something tinny goes wrong for you and you feel depressed. Normally the brain hasn´t got a say in this. The later one is what today and part of yesterday is about. I want to stress, I don´t want your sympathy, I don´t want anything from this, I can cope with myself just fine. I just want to write it down here, free for all, and want you to think about it.

Well today started great, my family left (ok that maybe is a bit sad^^) and I went to catch up on a bit of sleep. Later the evening there was a festival at our university where I wanted to be with some friends. Well I was there and it totally backfired. I don´t know where on the way towards that evening I wanted to just play the game of getting somebody laid. It was just an idea that kicked off, just a bit of fun for some friends. Well maybe a bit more that just fun, maybe I wanted them to be happy. Afterwards you can always name motives for your actions, so let´s just stick with the facts. As you should always lead by example I talked to some girls and actually my first conversation went alright. I got to know her name, she clearly wasn´t uninterested for a flirt. Sadly I lost the momentum and her friend and her went away and later that evening I couldn´t find them to correct my mistake. Well I waited to long and that's fine. Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. That's alright and I wasn´t to bothered about it. Sadly my later moves didn´t went so well either and so I focused on getting others a partner for the night. You know, giving them the extra mile they need to actually themselves make their move instead of sitting on the bench waiting to be swapped. (I apologise if this metaphor is not so fitting, not a huge football fan). It worked and first I was really happy for the person, then another one followed and in the end even the last of my group got somebody to go home with. Only me left and that puts me down a bit, who wouldn´t be at least a bit sad? Still don´t let it get to close to your heart if your the only one not picked that evening. Sometimes you win, sometimes the others win. Try to be happy for them, next time maybe they will be the one left unpicked. I know it isn´t always easy but give it some effort, cause giving up the next time will not be an option. Believe me and after all at least I can sleep with a lot of space in my bed without an obstacle called human and don´t have to offer someone breakfast. I agree it could be better but it could be a lot worse :)

The awesome SkyLuke