Sunday, 10 May 2015

Cause life is far to complicated to spent your time thinking about it

"Girls, they cause all the trouble" Strictly speaking this is not true, I know a hell of a lot of boys (or grown ups, as we don´t want to be called boys, it sounds so immature and gives away our true nature) who are more trouble at times than they are worth. In this particular situation however, I agree with the words of my father. Girls!

Last Sunday, I started an 'operation' (neat word for I have no plan but I think I have a goal) to get a social life. Everybody else seems to want to get one. This is already the second weekend I have to spend alone, while my flat mates travel through Germany. Mostly with beer it seems at times ;) So, in order to not be all alone, I went out into the strange place people call the 'real world'. It was fun. I danced into the beginning of the month, got drunk and walk at the water side while talking about female characters in books. Not all necessarily in short proximity of time to one another.

What is funny however, is that on Tuesday before that weekend, where I had not plans of having a social life, I met a girl and you all know how things go then. No not that! We went to the theatre, a great adaption of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I really love that story and enjoyed the play very much. Not only because of the good company. Strangly enough, on days like that it always rains. Guess it is just gods humour.

Honestly I don´t know where this will take me (and maybe her) in the long run. It is complicated, probably the only reasonable thing I learned from facebook. You don´t always form bonds, relationships, friendship and other kinds of ships (really why ships?) in a matter of hours or days. Weeks can past, even months, without any real developments. Human relations are complicated processes, that tend to annoy the crap out of everybody. Probably only a psychologist would claim he has any idea how they really work.

I´m drifting off. My point is (as stated above) that don´t overthink your relations. Give them time to prosper like plants. Repair them like muesli bowls when they fall down (obviously not plastic ones) and don´t just throw them away. Give them a bit of time and effort.

Take life one step at a time.

The awesome SkyLuke

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Long time no see

So, it has nearly been a whole year since I last wrote on my blog. I just completely forgot I owned it in the first place. So don´t expect regular updates, as I don´t think I earned that trust, yet hopefully. Still, a lot has changed and as everybody else seems to have his own personal online diary, why not continue with it myself. If people are interested in reading about my life alright with me.

Not that you will find my deep soul here, well you do but it´s under the surface of my posts. So you would have to interpret and analyse it. Don´t do it, you probably get somewhere great but not to my inner kingdom. This is not my diary, I got one and it serves me great for getting my head clean. No need for an Online one, where privacy is a word without any meaning whatsoever. Still, I guess when talking about anything I will relate it to my own life and if you want to know what I had for breakfast your better of heading towards twitter. I am on there now, thanks to my flatmates.

Jeah I know, I got flatmates, I actually moved since my last post. I think there was a hint in earlier ones that I wanted to swap to the university of Kiel. Well it worked, not 100% as I wanted it to but that's life alright. Would be boring if everything turned out the way you want it to. Where would the obstacles be? The difficulties? Friends and we can continue this metaphorical line till I run out of words. Which at this point I have, because what do one write now?

I guess (after having a cup of tea - delicious!) that it is a good idea to talk about what I want this blog to be. Sadly I don´t have the slightest clue. Other peoples blogs deal with their lives, problems, pictures and what not. I mainly use the blog as a training ground for writing English. Still with time to come I guess that's exactly what I will do. Write about topics. No idea what they will be, so if you want my opinion on something feel free to tell me.

Guess that's all for now, more will follow in time.

The awesome SkyLuky (still love that word!)