Thursday, 29 May 2014

Cause family is awesome

Today was a great day again, not only didn´t I have to go to university but also my mother and my two little brothers came up to my study place for a visit. It´s great to see them all again, as our last meeting was at least two months ago. My brothers continue to grow and I fear in the near future they will stand like a tower above me. We had a great walk at the beach, nice cups of tea and a brilliant sea side dinner in a restaurant. Tomorrow we can all have breakfast together and be grumpy at each other. What better way to start a day.

The awesome SkyLuke

PS: Sorry this post is so short, but I am really sleepy and there really isn´t much to say which I would like to share with the whole world. Some things should stay private ;)

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Cause the Doctor makes it all alright

(or rather his companions)

No I´m not ill and no I don´t need a doctor. Well at least not a 'real' doctor, if THE doctor (main Character of the Sci-Fi TV Series "Dr. Who" for those of you who don´t know it - check it out it´s awesome!) should cross your way be sure to point him in my direction. Especially if it is 9. Well what have we learnt about me so far? A, I´m a big Sci-Fi fan and B, you have still no clue what I am actually talking about... Don´t worry neither have I, so let´s carry on and see if I can bring my message across.

Well you know sometimes you are just not having the best of days, reasons aside I don´t think that really needs a place on my blog.  Just so you know, I myself am fine (no worry) but lately there has been a lot on my mind (negative and positive things). I´m the kind of person who things a lot about every situation, always wanting to explore every possible way before acting. Not always the best way to handle situations, but it works for me and that's fine. Everybody needs his own way to deal with life and mine is over thinking and questioning everything. So don´t expect me to be spontaneous in life, that's a rare sight.

So today just didn´t life up to my expectations and I didn´t accomplish everything I set out to do. Nothing important really, I guess I am just an perfectionist. Then a good friend, or maybe more than a friend I don´t know, I really like her and we have sort of a special relation to one another (but I probably will talk about this in length another time, so keep sticking in my blog if you want to know- jeah I know sometimes I am cruel).  

I really need to stop drifting off... So a good friend always comes round every Tuesday and together we dive into the adventures of Dr. Who, in other words we watch the series. We didn´t really talk a lot about important things and that's fine, there is a time and a place for such stuff and it definitely isn´t while watching TV. We ate something, started watching and cuddled a bit, nothing more (as if that wasn´t enough actually). It was great, you can forget the world around you and just be taken away by the wave of fiction clashing over you, retreating for a short time from the world and come back refreshed and filled with new powers. I just enjoy it and little things like that, small retreats if you will, are just so much more. In a way they are what keeps my going and let me be so totally awesome I sometimes can´t even believe that's me. So a great thanks to my film-companion today and a toast (at the moment I and a small Martini are having a late night date ^^) to the little things in life! Treasure them, they are awesome!

The awesome SkyLuke

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Cause a good friend is all you need for an awesome day

There is only one problem with awesome days like yesterday: the day afterwards always feels sort of incomplete. When you spent a great day just hanging out with friends, living life and having a nice dinner at the riverside, going to university the following day is so normal. So unawesome.

Damm I really love that word, it has this sounds that makes me feel things I have never experienced before. Well not really, that would be a bit creepy. Still it´s this 'awe', that's sounds like a forgotten battle cry (yeah your right: CRY IT OUT!AWE!!!) and that followed by the 'some' which sounds like you have a great cup of hot cocoa and you just want more. If I ever get the chance I will vote 'awesome' as the most awesome word of the century. Till that time I officially declare it my blog-word and every post hopefully will be filled with AWESOMENESS!

Back to topic... (and away from drifting off, a habit I clearly have)

So summing up, today was a bit boring. I went to university (did I ever mention that I´m a student? Don´t think so. Well know you know and by the way I study German and English to, one distant day, become a teacher - damm I´m doing it again). It was alright, my seminars were fun and insightful, just not so filled with joy. Just a normal day. Still there was this one thing I really looked forward to the entire day. You know, like you looking forward to a nice dessert. Only difference, I expectancy was focused towards my best friend. She is the best mate you can possible have, always ready to listen, to talk and most important to laugh with you. Having someone like her in my life is just a great gift I would never want to miss. At the moment she is at the other end of Germany at a school for here job. Only thanks to Skype (and the technology behind it) we were able to have a conversation where she told me everything about the great time she is having. A part of my actually envies her a bit, her report of the school, and especially the people she newly met there, just sounded great. So we skyped with one another, talked about some books and other things that happened since our last talk.

In short: It was just awesome talking with her!!!

You know what also is a great feature or rather a great trait of her? We are best friends and still don´t have to talk every day to one another. I don´t get how some best friends manage something like that. I don´t know about you, but I would find it really exhausting to talk on a everyday basis to somebody, because eventually you are bound to run out of ideas. Even if you don´t (what is possible I know, just rare in my case), I still love to have these conversations as something special. And for things to be special you just can´t do them on an daily base. That's wouldn´t be special anymore, it would be routine (stating the obvious like it was wisdom. I like it.)

So in conclusion of this post, I just wanted to let you all know what a great friend I have ( there are others of course and I´m sure they will follow in the time to come). No really, I just hope everybody got a friend like that. If you have, hold your mind for a second and remember her, maybe even tell her how much you are happy that she is part of your life and that your grateful for it

Cause, friends are awesome!

 The SkyLuke

Sunday, 25 May 2014

The three b - beach, barbecue, bed

While today definitely was a special day for the EU, this is not what my post will be about. But of course I went to vote, after all somebody has to be responsible for what the politicians are doing.
On that quote I end this matter.

As you can see in the title, my day was mainly made up by these three b´s and what a lovely day it was! One of the best person I ever had the fortune to know and a very dear friend decided to have a birthday barbecue (another b - awesome!) with a bike tour before that. It just was great, I always enjoy riding my bike through nature and there are not many things so beautiful when you finally arrive at the beach, put down your blanket and enjoy the sun while being in the company of good friends (and total strangers who you still like when you get to know them). I will not get into detail, as that probably be boring towards everybody who wasn´t there and I don´t want people to quite reading my blog because they envy my day. Let´s just say after being at the beach we went to the harbour (a beautifully small one) and continued our great day with a barbecue at the riverside. In the end we packed our things and know I´m lying in my bed, remembering this brilliant day (you noticed ? I didn´t want to use great again, definitely need to have some variety in my choice of words) while drinking a hot chocolate.

These are the days you always remember when you grow older.
These are the days you look back at, when times get rough.
These are the days where you know what friendship is about.
These are just awesome days!

So do you have such days? Mind sharing them with me? Would love to know about your experiences where you just did feel so great at the end of the day, that the world seemed alright as it is. Just for that day, maybe only for that moment.  Everything is alright.
These are definitely days worthy to be a treasure in our memory.

Your awesome SkyLuke

Introductions are in order

Hello dear followers,especially dear friends,

as till right now, you´re the only ones who have actually visited this blog of mine.
In this case, no Introduction is needed, as you know me and everyone else who will find this blog in the far reaches of the Internet will get to know me with posts to come. Don´t expect any naked women, that's not the sort of blog I´m aiming to be. Don´t expect a blog about all the different sorts of tobacco, I think Sherlock already did a survey on that. This blog simple will be about life, mine in particular, after all it´s my blog :D

I will talk about things that have happened, things that are happening right now and things that may happen in the future. From Tears to Love, I guess we get everything covered what it means to life in our fast paced world, where we all are like leaves that fall from the sky. Beautiful but not noticed in the crowd of other leaves accompanying us on our way down. One can simply just hope that this will change in the future yet to come and I will do my best to bring this, jeah I guess you can call it believe, out into the world.

Because we all are fucking awesome (  - I just love that film and that song ) and we all deserve to know it.

So some words from the heart and a bit philosophy to think about. I hope you all will enjoy my blog and if you got themes, ideas or anything else you would like me to talk about, just say so below in the comments.

The awesome SkyLuke

PS: I may study English but still I´m not that good in writing, so if you spot mistakes be sure to point them out so I can master the art of writing ;)